Well... I am not sure that a site dealing with searching techniques should
actually give any link at all, since
you should be able to find anything you may wish WITHOUT having any
link at all. Besides: links are almost meaningless on our web-quicksand since they
require constant & boring repairwork. I present this page nevertheless, though,
in order to point my readers to some (IMO)
useful resources. Note also that some essays and pages scattered in my site have
many ad hoc links...
Messageboards that mostly work (because we have made them ourselves)
[~S~ Seekers' msgboard]
A new board (kindly prepared by Laurent) for SEARCHING RELATED MATTERS
[PHP msgboard]
Our PHP board for PHP matters. DQ and Laurent will teach you wonders you'r not
even supposed to understand.
[+HCU Linux messageboard]
Our forum for anything related to *nix based OS topics.
+Greythorne hangs still around there at times, and _Mammon is a frequent guest
[Poetry and more (Ebenezer)]
Some good seekers here, where +svd retired. Mostly "poetry / virtual relationships" oriented, though.
Other friendly messageboards
[Reversing and
more] My old software reversing msgbrd, now moderated by +Tsehp
[TOT (tools of our trade)]
Another old msgbrd of mine
Note that, sadly, the political lackeys of the commercial power that be are
right now banning most of the "tools
of our trade"... so long for your chances to ever be able to
fight against malwares and/or
applications that siphon away sensible data (personal & strategical) :-(
[IDA's msgbrd]
Ilfak & Pierre's present to all clever humans & reversers, The+Owl is a frequent guest there...
RIP ITW messageboards
On 9 March 2001 all ITW (inside the web) messageboards have been shut down since the
commercial bastards have noticed that 'internet advertising revenues have fallen to
extremely low levels over the past several months'. The Javascript and
the Playing with fire
messageboards went both down with them. Serves right those that believed that 'free' services
were really free. RIP those two messageboards of ours and RIP internet advertising revenues!
Being a Bulgarian in Australia is probably as much unlikely as being
a great programmer of old and a clever philosoph of to-day!
More knowledge and sound information that you could have ever dreamed of! There are not many
like him on the whole web. If you never visited
+Mammon, you'r in for a refreshing (and enlightening) surprise
Very active on the bot, anti-advertisement, javascript obscuring and -leat but not last- anti-banner/popups fronts!
[David's tools at Byzantium]
Useful list of useful tools
[Jeff and Iefaf]
An useful "Keep" for reversers (and searchers)
Mark Russinovich & Bryce Cogswell jolly deserve the "reversing Nobel"
The +HCU went to Linux en masse during 1999, and it's doing wonders!
[privacyfoundation]: http://www.privacyfoundation.org/education.html
If you want to know (inter alia) what webbugs are...
[l0pht]: http://www.l0pht.com/
Always worth perusing
[GNU's Not Unix!]: http://www.gnu.org/
And you should call "Linux" ALWAYS with its real name: GNU/LINUX
This is my friend [Richard Stallman] incredible contribution to a better world
Fyodor! (http://www.insecure.org/index.html)
This is a
link to follow, last but not least for searching purposes. Whatever you'r trying out on the Web, Fyodor's
site is a real TREASURE for knowledge seekers!
[Chaos Computer Club]
you don't know what's the ccc? Be ashamed! (I held my workshop "Software
reverse engineering: Beyond simple protection cracking" in Berlin @ their last summer camp... quite nice people, believe me)
Great readings for exploit oriented Seekers & Gentlemen
[The Register]
"Biting the hand that feeds IT" Useful, to say the least.
[Infosyssec]: http://www.infosyssec.org/infosyssec/index.html
Security aplenty
[phrack]: http://www.phrack.com/main-index.html
Because seekers need to know some of these paths
[Vortex's Denial of service]: http://www.hack.gr/users/vortex/
Since I had to defend my site, I have my own section about these dangerous games
(see [here]:
In fact seekers should be quite aware of these matters.
[hyena2]: http://www.crosswinds.net/~hyena2k/
A very promising site for TCP/IP and other protocols
[rootshell]: http://rootshell.com/beta/news.html
Fighting for light, inter alia, against the dark forces of the Moron -pardon- Motion Picture Association of America
[DaVinci graphics]: http://davinci.ice.org/
You will learn how to use Photoshop using his good tutorials, moreover DaVinci,
the greater artist of the reversing scene, made an "award" for me long ago: if
you wish you can read [this page]: davinc1.htm
[Iczelion]: http://win32asm.cjb.net
A wizard of the web:
promotes programming Win32 programs using assembly language.
His page contains tutorials, forum, links and other
resources to help you start with Win32 assembly programming.
[Encryption and Security-related Resources]: http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/links.html
Peter Gutmann's worldfamous "security resource link farm", a huge
(currently around 410K) collection of links to security and encryption products,
companies, papers, conferences, e-commerce and digital cash, security and intelligence
agencies, smart cards, digital certificates and CA's, standards and publications,
security problems and holes, and anything else vaguely related to encryption and
security. If you're looking for anything in this area, there's a fairly good
chance you'll find a link to the solution there.
"For the older crackers are less interested in themselves than the younger ones, and better at getting
inside other things. They are steadier, and keep their minds on things
[+Greythorne] Mighty link for softwareversers... an 'older one' and a friend of +ORC. A site
where you could find much more than you can see :-)
+Greythorne is my web-twin: we reversed together under +ORC's guidance
between 1995 and 1999 (when I gave up protections' reversing
and closed my old site).
He seems to be sorta retired nowadays :-(
[+Malattia] Mighty link for softwareversers... an italian master cracker and a very capable bookwriter,
famous in the scene for his intersting links,
very useful for his perl scripts and cgis. +Malattia is a great soul (a patient and
helper of the younger ones and a good friend of mine).
[+Sandman] Mighty link for softwareversers... a good place, with tons of essays, where you may
learn the art if you are so inclined, also featuring some
zen-reversing approaches. +Sandman is a good, calm and powerful sofware reversing
[+Frog's print]
For softwareversers... a french genius and a good friend of mine, you'll never regret having visited this site (don't use
M$IE Explorer, though :-)
[CrackZ], or
A great and good spreader of softwareversing knowledge. No commercial banners, of course.
For softwareversers... now, where did I see this
kind of images/text compositions before? You'll have to work a little from this link
in order to find his real site... ArthaXerXes moves
a lot around... but he will hang on the main scene's messageboards as well.
Vitas Ramanchauskas' site:
Some interesting techniques and original ideas
Adam Smith's "Sense of security":
Some interesting new approaches and some original ideas, an advocate of
'unusal' graphical protections (aka "protections à la Mozpong").
Should fix his link to my site, though...
Richard Fellner's "anti-crack tips"
(part of these hints and tips have been taken from my site, but gracefully... :-)
Rob Beckers' "How to Battle Warez":
A VERY interesting part about site tracking and elementary/intermediate
stalking techniques
My own "how to protect better" section :-)
Well this section is like myself: old aber still of some use after all...
my links page will be always in fieri, of course... Nil perpetuum, pauca diuturna sunt...
(c) III Millennium: [fravia+], all rights reserved and reversed