Loki, february 2001 First attempt to answer to challenge [1 : SARAH] of the seachal2.htm ------------------------------------------------------------- My targeted country for this challenge is France. I'm not an experienced seeker, and in term of evaluation the fact that the language used is my mother's one has done 50% of the job for me :) I used the lexicon from ipr-helpdesk in order to translate the "intellectual property" related terms the better i could. First of all i have build a "pool" of sites that seemed related to our subject. I used for that the meta search engine surfwax, the directory of search engines L'indicateur, the SE Google for his new hability to search inside PDF, and the librarian's index to the internet All sites were collected in 2 hours (if i remember it right) You can consult my draft on the attached file : lokipool.txt The first step of our travel is law-perusing. In France when the intellectual property is concerned, we refeer to the Intellectual Property Rights. You can find a copy of it here : http://www.rabenou.org/cpil.html To sum up, here is defined what is an artistic work, the patrimonial right of the author, the moral rights etc ... all kind of author rights. Note that compilations and translation are artistic works. Let's have a deeper look at that part : Article L.131-1 - Article L.131-8 : Exploitation des droits Article L.131-4 : La cession par l'auteur de ses droits sur son úuvre peut être totale ou partielle. Elle doit comporter au profit de l'auteur la participation proportionnelle aux recettes provenant de la vente ou de l'exploitation. Toutefois, la rémunération de l'auteur peut être évaluée forfaitairement dans les cas suivants: 1° La base de calcul de la participation proportionnelle ne peut être pratiquement déterminée; 2° Les moyens de contrôler l'application de la participation font défaut; 3° Les frais des opérations de calcul et de contrôle seraient hors de proportion avec les résultats à atteindre; 4° La nature ou les conditions de l'exploitation rendent impossible l'application de la règle de la rémunération proportionnelle, soit que la contribution de l'auteur ne constitue pas l'un des éléments essentiels de la création intellectuelle de l'úuvre, soit que l'utilisation de l'úuvre ne présente qu'un caractère accessoire par rapport à l'objet exploité; 5° (Loi N° 94-361 du 10 mai 1994) En cas de cession des droits portant sur un logiciel; 6° Dans les autres cas prévus au présent Code.</PRE> In other words, the author can make a transfer of right, full or partial. But this transfer gots to have a proportional remuneration to the author. Proportional to what ? The selling or the exploitation of the work. The listed cases define some exeption to this law : instead of a proportional remuneration, you can have a contractual remuneration. The articles from L.132-1 to L.132-17 are related to the contracts. We have in the L.132-6 Article another case where contractual remuneration could be choose instead of proportional one. For a first edition of Scientifics Abstracts, Encyclopedia, Illustrations of a book, prayer books (!!!), cheap book for childrens etc ... It's the same for the journalism That's for the Edition contract. There are other ones, you can have a presentation of them one the CALCRE site. With these contracts, you can find an alternate way of editing your works, because, as the CALCRE said, and as we'll see it later, with the classical edition contract : "Soit que le pourcentage de droits d’auteur devienne scandaleusement bas, soit que l’éditeur pratique une rémunération forfaitaire là où elle n’est pas justifiée, soit enfin qu’il profite de certaines ambiguïtés juridiques pour minorer l’assiette des droits d’auteur (c’est-à-dire leur base de calcul)." The alternates can let all the rights to the authors. The distributors are seen there as they'd have to be seen : as a SERVICE Articles from L.321-1 to L.321-12 tells us that author can use Society of Authors to recieve their due. These one are often choose for musical, multimedia, computer programs authors It's not the case for the book : En d'autres termes, l'éditeur, sauf exception, ne paye pas directement l'auteur mais il partage la rémunération en provenance de la société d'auteur. Au contraire, dans la matière de l'édition littéraire, c'est bien l'éditeur qui verse directement à l'auteur ses redevances. Il en est ainsi parce que les éditeurs et les auteurs compositeurs, membres de sociétés d'auteur ont donné à celles-ci l'autorisation de gérer leurs droits. C'est donc, dans la plupart des cas, ces sociétés elles seules qui perçoivent la rémunération pour l'exploitation de l’œuvre et la rétrocèdent ensuite aux ayants droit. http://www.chanson.ca/musiconseils/documentation/editionmusicale.html So, we now have a first small representation of the general "artistic field" in France : transfer of rights Authors -----------------------------> Editors ^ ^ | royalties | Editors does a transfer of rights to the Society of Authors too | royalties | Society of Authors ----------------------- To finish with the law, you can find here an information report from the French National Assembly to the EU about the opening of the european art market http://www.assemblee-nat.fr/2/sae/rap-info/i1965.pdf I haven't read it in detail, but it could be usefull for the next part (internationalisation of our data )
So ... at that time we know that authors can suscribe to a Society of Authors. Who are they ? SACEM: Music http://www.sacem.fr/percevoir/conditions.html 5% on TV exploitation, 6% on Radio exploitation "La plupart des auteurs d'oeuvres de l'esprit ont confié à une société de gestion collective, notamment la SACD, la SACEM, la SCAM..., le soin de délivrer en leur nom les autorisations pour la représentation et la reproduction de leurs oeuvres. Ces sociétés d'auteur se sont regroupées dans la SDRM pour gérer spécifiquement le droit de reproduction mécanique." Most authors have entrusted society of authors to deliver in their name the authorisation for representation and reproduction of their works. These society groups under the SDRM (La Société pour l'Administration du Droit de Reproduction Mécanique des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs ) to manage the copyright of their works. On the SDRM site, we can find the wanted percentage that was our target: http://www.sacem.fr/percevoir/sdrm/prod5.html "Le pourcentage est de 8 % sur le prix de vente au détail ou, à défaut, de 11 % sur le prix de gros publié aux détaillants (PPD)." 8% on the detail selling price, 11% for wholesale price. But there are abatements (a nice CD pocket reduce the percentage for exemple ) There's also a table for the minimum royalties on a CD. SCAM : Documentary http://www.scam.fr/ SACD : Fiction, theater, dance http://www.sacd.fr/ For the cinema, we have here a http://www.sacd.fr/Contrats_AV/cin%C3%A9ma%20mixte.pdf typical contract. "Proportional royalties : ..... %" ADAGP : Graphical Arts http://www.adagp.fr/ http://www.adagp.fr/edition/fr/ju_drre.htm A lawsuit beetween Frédéric Rossif, writer and realizer of "From Nuremberg to Nuremberg" and his editor. Here, the percentage is at 3 % on a sale of a videotape.
Let's have a look now from the side of the editors http://www.calcre.com/ The edition world http://www.calcre.com/res/sto/tomate.htm Editors you need to avoid Here you can download a guide on how to build Edition Contracts http://www.culture.fr/culture/mrt/numerisation/fr/documents/guide_elaboration_contrats.pdf Here is a contract edition, but not with percentage, this one uses the method of "contractual remuneration" http://landric.multimania.com/maitrise/animation/module4/contratedition.htm Some books editors : Cylibris They offer : 5% to 15% to authors, 50% on multimedia exploitation Couleur Locale "For a book of 150 pages, published in 200 specimens, sold 100 FF (French Francs ) - Print Cost : 15 to 30 FF - Librarian Stroke : from 30 to 50 % - the rest for the promotion This last point exceed generally the others. In consequence, the author owns rarely something (...)" (my poor translation of the interesting part)
now, the point of view of some authors on that subject http://www.ac-nantes.fr/peda/disc/cdi/animlect/mayenne/elevhono.htm 10% for this one http://ftp.univ-lyon1.fr/faq/by-name/fr/loisirs/bd FAQ de fr.rec.arts.bd 8% to 12% for comics
I have collected some good documents, abstracts and other texts that discuss the subject of the author remuneration in France http://www.u-paris2.fr/dess-dmi/articles/pla/artremaut.htm If you speak french, i recommand you to read that article from a student in DESS of Intellectual Property. I've extract two interesting sentences, wich i'll try to explain : "Le taux de la rémunération proportionnelle : L’art. L 131.4 ne donne aucune directive : le choix du taux est donc libre, en distinguant selon les modes d’exploitation. Cependant contrôle du caractère non dérisoire du taux : un pourcentage de 2.5/100 pour la rédaction de la quasi-totalité des textes ne peut apparaître comme sérieux et s’apparente nécessairement à une fraude à la loi (TGI PARIS 16.5.1969 D 1969.630). " It is said that the choosing of a rate for the proportional remuneration is free .. but there is a minus, under 2.5% it is consider as "ridiculous" and is liable to the law. (on verra que le recours au forfait devient de plus en plus fréquent sous l’influence des nouvelles technologies). The use of the contractual remuneration is more and more frequent under the influence of new technologies Articles from http://www.u-paris2.fr/dess-dmi/articles/plaart.htm are indeed of great interest ! The newest one is an abstract about the Artistic License and the copyleft. We have now some percentages on the domain of : Music, Books, Films and their derived But there is some particular case. For exemple, the journalism. How much is paid a news authors ? Is it a contractual remuneration, or a percentage ? You can access here to the site of the Journalists Trade Union where it is discussed
I think we have now a good base about the author remuneration in France. We can go a bit further trying to understand better the "artistic field" as we did a little above A simple search on google with "filière du disque" gives interesting results : www.sodec.gouv.qc.ca/etudes/pdf/ind_disque.pdf It's located in Canada, i agree, but i think they are kinda valuable in france too On a 15.39$ Disc : 4.29$ to the Editors 1.41$ to musicians 0.84$ to author and compositor 1.44$ for the manufacture 2.96$ to the retailer 1.83$ to the under distributor 2.55$ to the main distributor" http://www.sorbonne-av.edu/ancien_site_dess/fonds/synthese_filiere/synthese_filiere.html Details about the artistic fields Now, we can try to generalise our information to the EU, and maybe later to the world : Valuable information about the intellectual property can be found here: http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/t_fr/home.asp Go here to access information about each country : http://www.ipr-helpdesk.org/t_en/p_001_en.asp http://www.assemblee-nat.fr/2/sae/rap-info/i1965.pdf On the pdffed report of the national assembly, we have a nice table that sum up for us the legal rate in some EU countries on page 27. Here are some extracts : France : rate : 3% thresold : 100FF | managing of the rights by a society or individually Belgium :rate : 4% thresold : 50 000FB Espana : rate : 3% thresold : 300.000 Pesetas Sweden :rate : 5% (...) For the USA, a good start could be the <a href="US Copyright Office Homepage To sum up, there are multiples way to distribute artistic works, but few gives more that 10% on the sales to the author. The artistic field is far too long :) I believe the power of Internet's going to help the mutation of this field. Authors can promote and sell their book themselves on the net. No need to use Editors, Distributors etc .. To point out that believe, i give you some links 'bout that mutation : Authors Rights and New Technology (Monique Léger) : http://www.temps-reels.net/dossiers/dtsaut/leger.htm "Key notions about author right with the test of networks" : http://www.multimania.com/mifr/recht/jurinfo/memoire/mem_noframe.htm Copyleft and destabilisation of the Intellectual Property : http://perso.club-internet.fr/geraudd/4/preambule.html Internet and author right : a problem : http://www.internetactu.com/archives/dossiers/edition/grenouille.html These are in french ... my targeted country. I'm sure it'll easy to find international page related to that debate
2) Combing: How many idiots click?
codename: Schoumnus
'data reliablity' or 'the
importance of looking at the cui prodest'...
'hidden databases', 'newspapers and newsweeks perusing' and 'evaluation lore'
How much money will newspapers and TV-channels and radio stations
loose during the next years?
How much 'advertisement budget' will be diverted to the web?
11%? 33%? 45%?
How many advertisement campaigns on the web do each cost now (and will cost later)
more than 1.000.000 euros? 11%? 33%?
Are idiots and zombies clicking MORE or LESS on banners the more they use the web?
Is someone really clicking on ad-banners at all? Visual tricks used to lure clickingn ~
advertisement banners average per site.
Spelunking boldly
in the dark world of advertisement web-banners.
Suggestion: pop-ups and banners. Intestitial and
consumer behaviour. "Send & cash" and linkexchanges and webrings and so on. Potential bonuses for
clever seekers.
An [example of possible solution]